You can use this vbs script if you need to know the status of a particular windows service:
Option Explicit
Dim ComputerObj, aService
Dim strComputer, objNetwork
Dim ServiceName
If WScript.Arguments.count < 1 then
WScript.Echo "usage: StopSvc.vbs ServiceName"
end If
ServiceName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set aService = GetObject("WinNT://" & objNetwork.ComputerName & "/" & ServiceName & ",Service")
Wscript.echo aService.DisplayName
If aService.Name = ServiceName Then
' WScript.Echo "Service display name = " & aService.DisplayName
' WScript.Echo "Service name = " & aService.Name
' WScript.Echo "Service account name = " & aService.ServiceAccountName
' WScript.Echo "Service executable = " & aService.Path
' WScript.Echo "Current status = " & aService.Status
If aService.Status=4 Then
' WScript.Echo ServiceName & " is ON: Stopping Service"
'stopping service
End If
End if
You can get more info here: