Hay que editar el fichero Authserver.properties y cambiar el valor throttlevalue=3.
De esta forma se puede aumentar el número de reintentos para que a los usuarios no se les bloquee con tanta facilidad el token.
La informacion se puede encontrar en la página de Authenex: http://support.authenex.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=30&nav=0,2
How do I change Lock Count for ASAS?
Change the Lock count for ASAS
When authenticating with ASAS using Akey and an account. The user can have 3 (default) failed login attempts before his/her account is locked.
To change that go to Start-> Programs->Authenex->ASAS->Edit authserver.properties
Scroll down until you find throttlevalue=3, Change 3 into a slightly larger number.
You can also turn off this locking feature by change throttle=true into false. (Not recommended)
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