At Veem forums you can find a .bat script that backups Veeambackup database I've made some changes to fit my own scenario:
At Veem forums you can find a .bat script that backups Veeambackup database I've made some changes to fit my own scenario:
I've found this article is at it explains how to resolve the 'not init' issue while attempting to start DynDNS client on a Netscreen
Para registrar el inicio y cierre de sesión en un entorno con windows 2003 y donde los puestos inician sesión validándose contra active directory hay que modificar la directiva de grupo del dominio, asique abre el programa Usuarios y equipos de Active Directory y en el dominio que tengas creado pincha con el botón de la derecha del ratón y selecciona propiedades:
Here you can find this VMware Knowledge Base that explains how to configure networking from the ESX service console command line.
This article provides steps to configure networking for an ESX host when you only have access to the service console.
If you add a new disk to a Linux VM system and you don't want to reboot it, you must rescan the SCSI bus to detect it.
Here you can find a bash script that will do this task for you:
Thanks to garloff.
Here is a good article that explains how to use iSCSI on a VMware esx 3.5:
There is also a similar document for vSphere (esx 4):
From VMware Knowledge Base:
When you log into the ESX 3.x host service console, you see the message:
Configuration changes were not saved successfully during previous shutdown.
Note: This message is stored in /etc/motd and is generated by the /etc/init.d/vmware script when esxcfg-boot -r returns an error when executed during a shutdown of the ESX host.
The log file /var/log/messages may show the following error messages:
ERROR: Execution of '/sbin/vmware-mkinitrd -r -f -v /tmp/vmware.1.tmp '2.4.21-37.0.2.ELvmnix'' failed. See log messages above.
ERROR: Could not write out new initrds.
You need to recreate the initrd image file.
T o recreate the initrd image file:
Log in as a user with administrative privileges.
Run the commands:
esxcfg-boot -b
esxcfg-boot -p
esxcfg-boot -r
The message does not appear on the next ESX host reboot.
Note: A screenshot is shown below:
Here is my last bash script, it gets the pressed key in bash, enjoy.#!/bin/bash
function identify_key {
local key="$@"local printable=""case "$key" in"1b") echo "ESC ($key)";;"09") echo "TAB ($key)";;"1b 1b") echo "DOUBLE ESC ($key)";;"7f") echo "BKS ($key)";;"1b 5b 41") echo "UP ($key)";;"1b 5b 42") echo "DOWN ($key)";;"1b 5b 43") echo "RIGHT ($key)";;"1b 5b 44") echo "LEFT ($key)";;"1b 5b 47") echo "NUM5 ($key)";;"1b 5b 50") echo "PAUSE ($key)";;"1b 5b 31 7e") echo "HOME ($key)";;"1b 5b 32 7e") echo "INS ($key)";;"1b 5b 33 7e") echo "DEL ($key)";;"1b 5b 34 7e") echo "END ($key)";;"1b 5b 35 7e") echo "PGUP ($key)";;"1b 5b 36 7e") echo "PGDN ($key)";;"1b 5b 5b 41") echo "F1 ($key)";;"1b 5b 5b 42") echo "F2 ($key)";;"1b 5b 5b 43") echo "F3 ($key)";;"1b 5b 5b 44") echo "F4 ($key)";;"1b 5b 5b 45") echo "F5 ($key)";;"1b 5b 31 37 7e") echo "F6 ($key)";;"1b 5b 31 38 7e") echo "F7 ($key)";;"1b 5b 31 39 7e") echo "F8 ($key)";;"1b 5b 32 30 7e") echo "F9 ($key)";;"1b 5b 32 31 7e") echo "F10 ($key)";;"1b 5b 32 33 7e") echo "F11 ($key)";;"1b 5b 32 34 7e") echo "F12 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 5b 41") echo "ALT+F1 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 5b 42") echo "ALT+F2 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 5b 43") echo "ALT+F3 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 5b 44") echo "ALT+F4 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 5b 45") echo "ALT+F5 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 31 37 7e") echo "ALT+F6 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 31 38 7e") echo "ALT+F7 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 31 39 7e") echo "ALT+F8 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 32 30 7e") echo "ALT+F9 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 32 31 7e") echo "ALT+F10 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 32 33 7e") echo "ALT+F11 ($key)";;"1b 1b 5b 32 34 7e") echo "ALT+F12 ($key)";;"") echo "SPACE or INTRO";;*) # check if it's ALT+xx
if [ ${#key} -gt 2 ] && [ "${key:0:2}" == "1b" ]; then# if string length greather than 2 and starts by Escape (1b)
printable="\x"${key:3} # erases the starting '1b 'printf "ALT+%b (%s)\n" "$printable" "$key"else
printf "%b (%s)\n" "$printable" "$key"fi;;esac}function key_5b {
# process '1b 5b ...' keys and return values
local key=$1
local keyA=""local keyB=""local keyC=""keyA=`echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x\n"'`; key=""case "$keyA" in"31" | "32" | "33" | "34" | "35" | "36") # Must read the following keyread -rsn1 -t 1 key # Wait 1 second max for next key
if [ "$key" == "" ]; then# 'ESC + [ + A|B|C|....F' keys pressed (very fast)
echo "$keyA"
keyB=`echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x\n"'`; key=""if [ "$keyB" == "7e" ]; then# got '~', uses to be the last key so return "XX 7e" where XX is [31|32|33|34|35|36]
echo "$keyA $keyB"
read -rsn1 -t 1 key # Wait 1 second max for next key
if [ "$key" == "" ]; then# 'A|B|C|....F + XX' keys pressed (very fast)
echo "$keyA $keyB"
keyC=`echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x\n"'`; key=""# max depth level, so return
echo "$keyA $keyB $keyC"
fififi;;"5b") # read another key and return (uses to be F1 ... F5 keys) '1b 5b 5b [41|42|43|44|45]'read -rsn1 -t 1 key # Wait 1 second max for next key
keyB=`echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x\n"'`; key=""echo "$keyA $keyB"
;;*) # Uses to be UP or other arrow keys '1b 5b [41|42|43|44]' so return
echo "$keyA"
;;esac}function getkey {
local key=""local key1=""local key2=""local key3=""local key4=""oldifs="$IFS"
IFS=" "
read -rsn1 keykey1=`echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x\n"'`; key=""if [ "$key1" == "1b" ]; thenread -rsn1 -t 1 key # Wait 1 second max for next key
if [ ! "$key" == "" ]; thenkey2=`echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x\n"'`; key=""case "$key2" in"1b") # it could be a double ESC or an ALT+Fx keyread -rsn1 -t 1 key # Wait 1 second max for next key
if [ "$key" == "" ]; then# "1b 1b" 'ESC' key pressed 2 times (very fast)
echo "$key1 $key2"
# "1b 1b ..." Uses to be ALT+F? key pressed
key3=`echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x\n"'`; key=""if [ "$key3" == "5b" ]; thenread -rsn1 -t 1 key # Wait 1 second max for next key
if [ "$key" == "" ]; then# "1b 1b 5b" 'ESC + ESC + [' keys pressed (very fast)
echo "$key1 $key2 $key3"
echo "$key1 $key2 $key3 $(key_5b $key)"
# Unknown key '1b 1b XX' so return
echo "$key1 $key2 $key3"
fifi;;"5b") # Several posibilities "1b 5b ..."read -rsn1 -t 1 key # Wait 1 second max for next key
if [ "$key" == "" ]; then# "1b 5b" 'ESC + [' keys pressed (very fast)
echo "$key1 $key2"
echo "$key1 $key2 $(key_5b $key)"
fi;;*) # ESC + Other key pressed (very fast) or ALT+xx
echo "$key1 $key2"
# ESC key pressed
echo "$key1"
echo "$key1"
return 0
}while true
doecho "----------------------------"
tecla=$(getkey)identify_key $tecladone